To establish the magnitude and severity of porosity
and other types of imperfections present on contact surfaces utilizing
gold finishes. The presence of these discontinuities may result in
corrosion products being created in these areas which result from base
metals or underplate exposure. These corrosion products in turn may be
of sufficient magnitude to potentially spread across the contacting
surfaces. Contingent on the magnitude of other design attributes (i.e.
normal force, environments involved, circuit parameters, wipe, sealing
effects, etc.) or lack thereof, this potential can result in electrical
degradation. The establishment of the presence of porosity and other
imperfections is considered a reference test and is utilized as a means
to evaluate data generated from the environmental compartments in
proper perspective.
For more information on this or any service we provide, please feel
free to contact us at:
phone: (508)
or fax: (508)