A growing concern in the interconnection industry is the impact of the
European Union’s Directive on the Restriction of certain
Hazardous Substances (RoHS Directive). The Elimination of tin/lead
solder plating systems in favor of lead free plating has revisited an
old adversary-----tin whiskers.
While maintaining our commitment to providing “cutting
edge” technology, Contech Research announces the ability to
provide testing in accordance with the International Electronics
Manufacturing Initiative (INEMI) specification. Having the experience
dating back to the 1960’s in dealing with tin whiskering,
also enables Contech Research personal to provide exceptional insight
into the tin whisker phenomenon.
The testing, designed to determine the products susceptibility to tin
whisker growth, consists of 3 test groups:
Group 1 – High temperature/Humidity exposure
Duration 4000 hours
Group 2 – Storage test at ambient conditions
Duration 4000 hours
Group 3 – Thermal cycle testing
Duration 1000 cycles
Optical inspection utilizing high magnification equipment (such as SEM)
is used to identify the presence of tin whiskers. Recognizing the
significance of this testing, communication and data transfer between
Contech Research and the test sponsor is kept in the strict confidence.
At the conclusion of testing, comprehensive test reports (Available in
hard and soft copies) are issued which complete the analysis.
In addition to the above, Contech Research also posses the ability and
expertise (in terms of technology and resources) to address
“non-industry” or proprietary standards relative to
tin whiskering.
For more information on this or any service we provide, please feel
free to contact us at:
phone: (508)
or fax: (508)
Tin Whisker
Company History
Typical test plans